Our Lake. Our legacy.
Take Action! Keep a Lake a Lake!
Please click the button below to learn more about this new law that could have a huge impact on Cazenovia Lake:
Cazenovia Lake Association’s annual summit was held on Saturday, November 5th at the Cazenovia Library. Click the button to watch the recording.
see 15 years of milfoil management in one minute!
Check out the short animated map video below - it shows the increase and decrease of the milfoil weeds in Cazenovia Lake over the past 15 years. It's an illustration of the data from our annual plant sampling. We plan to treat the lake with ProcellaCOR again in 2024. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the CLA to help with this ongoing effort.
Keeping Cazenovia Lake healthy and useful for current
and future generations to enjoy.
The Cazenovia Lake Association promotes the common interests of preserving, maintaining, and assuring the integrity of the future development of Cazenovia Lake, its shores, and its watershed so as to achieve optimum quality of the lake environment.
We are not a homeowners association, and we welcome the membership, support, and involvement of everyone in the Cazenovia community who is interested in maintaining the quality of the lake environment.
Educational Resources.
We strive to provide you with the best information we can related to the lake community, boating, fishing, lake health & management. Check out the resources we’ve compiled here, and please send us suggestions! We’re always adding to the library of resources.
EVENTS, NewS, & Initiatives
The CLA relies on continuous interaction with the Cazenovia community. To help foster productive dialogue, generate new ideas, and maintain total transparency, we attend and host, numerous events throughout the year, including the monthly CLA Board meetings which are open to the public, and our annual Lake Summit event. Please join our Events page for more information.
In an effort to keep the community informed, and to help maintain a healthy lake, the CLA provides ongoing information on boater safety, fishing, research partnerships, recreation/club activities, invasive species, HABs, and a host of other news related to Cazenovia Lake. Please visit our News page for our most recent updates.

support cazenovia lake
All activities of the Cazenovia Lake Association rely on the contributions of local individuals, families, businesses, and guests. Your contribution is vital to the community enjoyment of Cazenovia Lake. Please donate today.
5 Mill Street Associates, LLC
Ascent Aviation Group
Atwell Mill, LLC
Berkshire Hathaway
The Brewster Inn
Caz Cans
Cazenovia Club
Cazenovia Rowing Club
Christian Apostolic Church
Growing Seasons Garden Club
Heritage Homes (Kenwood Homes, Inc.)
Hueber-Breuer Construction Company
The Jesuits at Le Moyne, Inc.
Kimberly Williams Consulting
Leonard E. Riedl Construction, Inc.
Lincklaen House
Matrix Communications
Michael J. McCully Land Surveying, PLLC
Murad and Murad PC
Oak Tree Real Estate - Thomas Tait
RE/MAX - Cindy Clark
Terel Realty - Shepp Family
Timtell Realty - Mary Jane Timmins
United Refining Company
Willard Insurance Group Services
Willowbank Yacht Club