boat Cleaning Station
Take a minute to watch this introductory video about the new boat cleaning station at our launch.
CD3 Systems Introduction
Also check out these videos with demonstrations of how to use the station to clean specific types of boats:
How to clean a Cruiser/Ski Boat with CD3
How to clean a Pontoon Boat with CD3
How to clean a Fishing Boat with CD3
You can find more CD3 videos on their YouTube Channel.
why the changes?
Throughout this past winter the CLA, Village and Town have been working diligently looking at ways to improve the prevention of new invasive species entering the lake. The critical weed that we are concerned with is Hydrilla which can grow in 30’ of water and will completely blanket the surface. This weed is significantly worse than Milfoil and currently there is not a herbicide treatment that is as effective as ProcellaCor for its’ control. This weed is currently in Cayuga Lake, the Connecticut River and a couple of smaller regional lakes. Once established Hydrilla is virtually impossible to eradicate.
Fragments of Hydrilla and other invasive weeds can potentially be found on trailers, in bilges, transoms, on the deck of the boat and in live wells. Once a fragment enters the water it will reseed and spread. At that point it may be too late to control. Because of this the Town received a grant to purchase a boat cleaning station. The Village has modified the launch protocol in order to ensure boats are clean before entering the water. While there is no 100% guaranteed solution for preventing all invasives this is a significant improvement to help reduce the probability.
The changes to the launch process are as follows:
Upon arrival at the launch the boat steward will take some basic information.
The boat steward will look for a serialized security tag that connects the boat to the trailer indicating that the last lake the boat was on was Cazenovia. If the security tag is intact, the boat can launch immediately. A security tag can only be attached by the steward and can only be used once; once a tag has been removed, it cannot be reattached.
If there is no security tag, the steward closely inspects the boat. If it has organic matter present it has to go to the cleaning station where the owner will clean the boat. If the boat is clean the boat can launch immediately. We therefore encourage everyone to arrive with their boat and trailer cleaned.
Just prior to leaving Lakeside Park, the boater may choose to have the steward install a new security tag which connects the boat to the trailer. This will speed up the launching of the boat if the security tag is still attached upon a later return to Lakeside Park.
The cleaning station is a device that is used to clean the areas of the boat which contain aquatic organic matter.
It consists of 3 main components:
A very large vacuum cleaner similar to a large shop-vac. This will be used to remove aquatic matter from inside the boat, water from the transom, live wells and if possible the bilge.
A pressurized blower will enable accessing difficult to reach areas that have organic matter.
Grabbing tools and a soft bristle brush to be used to get under the boat/trailer and remove weeds.
Private property owners have much to gain from preventing invasion of Hydrilla. Such owners are encouraged to use the Lakeside Park boat launch and to participate in the cleaning protocol described here.
For more information please contact the Parks Commissioner Thomas Tait at 315-657-0473. Additionally, please hit the link below to see the damage Hydrilla can do to a lake.