contact your representatives about the wetlands act

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Please take action on Senate Bill S9799 and Assembly Bill A10653

Sample Email Message:


Subject: Please take action on Senate Bill S9799 and Assembly Bill A10653

Senator Griffo and Assemblyman Stirpe,

I utilize and enjoy Cazenovia lake and I’m writing in regards to the recent revisions to New York’s Freshwater Wetlands Act. These changes significantly expand the portion of our state that will be regulated as wetlands.

I’m deeply concerned that these changes could result in large portions of the shoreline of Cazenovia Lake becoming designated as wetlands. Designation as a wetland would disrupt our community’s ability to manage the lake’s invasive species, limiting its usefulness for fishing, swimming, and sailing. It would decrease property values, property tax revenues, and school tax revenues. It would restrict our ability to enjoy our lake as we see fit. In short, it would significantly harm me and the community I love.

Accordingly, I ask you to support Senate Bill S9799 and Assembly Bill A10653, both of which exempt navigable lakes over 150 acres, like Cazenovia, from designation as freshwater wetlands.

I appreciate your help and request that you reply with an email letting me know how you intend to proceed on the issue. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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